Sunday, January 6, 2013

post apocalyptic conundrum

who do you want to be? what do you want to do?

i've been asking myself these questions for years, it seems. more so 'who do you want to be?' i believe we all have a vision of ourselves, the kind of person we want to be in the world. often our perception of ourselves differs from our reality.

growing up in a time where anything seems possible and choices are infinite, can be more of a curse than a blessing. this is definitely a first world issue. the fact that we even have the opportunities we do, is definitely a blessing in the big scheme of things. even if you can see yourself in a variety of ways and can see yourself living many different lives/lifestyles…there is likely a common thread running through it all. but do others see themselves this way/these ways? or is it just me?

let me just say that i have read almost all of the books on personal growth and creativity out there (well, this might be an exaggeration, but it feels this way) and am still to this day looking for 'the one' that will inspire the big epiphany for me. what is this epiphany and what is it supposed to inspire me to do? ~ maybe write that book that i keep looking for? ~ hmmm...

part of my issue, i believe, is a certain lack of motivation or even...apathy? even though i have accomplished a great deal in terms of education and life experience, i still always feel as though i am hitting below my 'mark.' underachieving. why i feel this way is a whole other ball of wax that i don't fully understand. my parents never pushed me to excel, i believe it was innate…a constant yearning to accomplish something...maybe even something great. someone told me years ago that i was an 'empire builder,' at that time i didn't even know what that meant. but since then i have come to agree that yes, i am an empire builder. however, i haven't yet built my empire…what would this empire even look like?

as an artist i have had an eternal struggle with making the leap into some kind of self sufficiency in the arts. but i've never really given it 100% because of FEAR (yes, the 'starving artist' cliche looms large). i have come to realize that i need a certain level of security in my life...that same security that i constantly push away from even when i come close to achieving it (not sure what this is about either). this restless/reckless part of my nature is vexing...i yearn for comfort, security and routine and then conversely grow bored (for want of a better word) of it in a startlingly short period of time.

so now i'm launching into a new that holds plenty of promise in terms of life's 'rewards'...things like monetary gain, job satisfaction...and yes, maybe even security in some form!

let's sit with that thought for a moment. security. i can hardly recall how that feels...

but there's always, always that voice (no i don't hear actual voices...don't judge me!) that keeps telling me i need to succeed as an artist. mind you, these two things aren't mutually exclusive - i could envision a career in both counseling and the arts, in fact that's why i pursued art therapy at one point. but now that i've finished my degree and filed away the papers and put down the text books...surrounded myself with art supplies and blank canvasses... where to start? i am admittedly rusty, i haven't been painting much in the past how many years of my degree and feel anxious. again, that creative anxiety is also an albatross around my neck (this is a future post).

so what do all the books say? ...just START! anywhere. i'll tell you what happens if you don''ll see those paintings show up under another artist's name, or that book show up under another author's name...i wish i were kidding! off to go pick up a paintbrush...

Sunday, November 11, 2012


disenchantment 2
so...11:11 day, Remembrance Day here in the great white north. i have somehow managed to quiet my mind long enough to sit in silence and remember and introspect (is that a verb?). not only that, but i've had CBC radio 1 on all day...war story narratives and such (canadian hipsters love this station).

speaking of remembering, i finally cracked the code to get back into blogger (no easy task considering how long ago i signed up and how many incarnations blogger has undergone) and realize i have started and abandoned 4 blogs over the last 6 years. all of them now merely serve as extended journals of times that are starting to feel very alien, so very long ago. it's very poignant to read them and i have to admit i had to stop/avoid some altogether. amazing how much and how quickly life changes, even though i often feel like everything in my life has always moved at a snail's pace. i debated whether or not to carry on with my last blog but so much has changed since then, it doesn't even make sense any more...makes me feel like a stranger to myself...dramatic huh? that's not to say i don't see the value in those posts, that life...i do...and i feel bad abandoning it all. but i feel like it's time to make a fresh start. so...what's new?
  • moved, yet again. back to the godforsaken frozen tundra of alberta (long, tawdry, tiring story) 
  • graduated my masters in counselling program (yay me!)
  • started several new work ventures; youth centre, private practice and counselling agency (but am still living like a student somehow)
  • started painting again (one of them is right here in this post!)
  • started a new life.
this new life is exciting, but daunting...filled with possibility yet also feeling aimless somehow. listening to lana del rey today (yeah, i know) and pondering the meaning of art and meaning in life, and the freedom to pursue who you really are, outside of that cubicle. all that existential crap that i'm always thinking about in some capacity. if i didn't always feel mired in the neverending need to make money (aka 'if i won the lottery' cliche) i would: buy an old building and convert it to an at risk youth drop in centre, counseling office, studio space, and gallery. my last 6 months at the youth centre have taught me that there's a lot of healing needed out there. and in here. i believe in the capacity of art to heal and would love the opportunity to use it to enable others to move forward and envision their new stories. then i'd spend my days painting and showing and having the kind of 'space' (space = potential) where creativity lives and breathes. i'd also spend days wandering around aimlessly photographing and really SEEING again, having show openings (aka parties) and great, meaningful conversations with like-minded people. i would feel FREE. what would that be like?

what is this new story and where is it going? that remains to be seen...
do you feel free?